Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tap Tappy Bangy Bango World News! Zippitydoodah.

This is not a surprise to anyone, I'm sure, but I feel so compelled to reiterate that the News is ridiculous.  I dig msnbc.com (my homepage), but today I feel meh about them.
Here's why:
The first damn image I saw when I opened Firefox was a picture of Casey Anthony, who has just been found not guilty of the murder of her toddler, Caylee.  It looks like something that could be in a tabloid, like a photo of Amy Winehouse and her sugary snacks...

The whole case is OJ Simpson 2.0--a media fuckplot of "look how awful this woman is", "her car smelled like blood", and laying out the protagonist/antagonist, Casey, as a "young partying mom," showing indulgent photos--again, the tabloid jpg.  An MSNbc article goes through all the twists and turns of the case...blahblah.  Character development, reality tv twist, add in some sex and a POW courtroom scene... The curtain never goes down with these cats.

And there's even a few humble paragraphs condemning the media for treating it like a dopeshow (this is the touching part where the audience sweats a little and then exhibits compassion, realizing that MSNbc knows not what it does..we're all hypocrites sometimes). 

I was feeling kinda down about my negligence towards news and current events since my home has been unwired to the outside world.  But I'd rather read the lines on a wooden table than subject myself to tapdancing News.  All singing, all dancing, World News.
Someone should just make a really loud speaker and have people blow their noses into it.

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