Sunday, June 12, 2011

Boobs schmoobs, penis shmenis.

Most memorable piece of information from my junior year anthropology class: Female bonobos are down for gg-rubbing (genital-genital rubbing between two or more females). 
Around Angelenos I see more women grinding up against each other than horny 12 year olds in a schoolyard.  A bit reminiscent of those videos from my anthropology class...

And they aren't all lesbians, dykes, farmschmallers, ech0-teeny-pops, whathaveyou...
Sexual fluidity is a cool phenomenon--but is there some sort of social/psychological priming behind it?    Women are so highly sexualized and objectified in our society, how can you not find them smoking hot, beautiful, or just do-able?   

We've been hit with beauty propaganda straight from birth--pink shit, Barbies, makeup, etc… The funny thing is that gender is so subjective.  Parents immediately force an identity upon their kids of who they want them to be based on their own preferences, often times very narcissistic and sprinkled with neuroses. 

It's sad how many kids grow up acting being little live-mirrors of their parents.  They never questioned what was given to them but simply took it as the reality and the easiest option.  If someone gives you an identity, it takes away that burden that America feeds on--the drive to BECOME--to BE this or that (gay/straight/a lawyer/an alcoholic, etc).  It is definitely easier for a child who's trying to acclimate and be accepted.  But it's just a local peak of growth--spiritual, intellectual, emotional.  Unfortunately, akin to Kohlberg's stages of moral development, the majority of people (in America, if my experiences hold merit) tend to fall short on the spectrum.

But back to sexual identity and gender:
Why are we to assume that just because a little boy has a penis that he also has to like trucks, sports, and of course, the sport of womanizing.  There's no difference between that and any sort of racial or ethnical judgment.  Why uphold these arbitrary rules of categorization?  We have to KNOW, we have to PLACE people in order to brace ourselves for who we think they are or should be.  It's a rejection of their true self and how can we be fully present if we're just projecting what we'd like to see in people? 

Do you like carrots or celery?  How we value, express, and see ourselves and others is simply a preference, so chill the fuck out. 

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